The night before a wedding, some wedding parties go out for a wild night of drinking and male dancers and last regrets before tying the knot. But not this wedding party. After the rehearsal (more on the rehearsal later) we got into the car and did some low-key yet highly embarassing stunts about the small town. We made Chel yell out the window at innocent bystanders "I'm getting married TOMORROW!" which was better than you'd think because of how hard it was for her to do. Some strange looks, some thumbs up. Six girls in a little white car, driving around and stopping at intersections so the bride-to-be could do Chinese fire drills. Chel even had herself and Robby matching caps with Bride and Groom embroidered on the top. In the picture, driving is my sister Jen, passenger cousin Steph, and Chel and I are in the back.
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Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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