This is a picture of my date for the reception, my escort and cousin, Jason. I am so glad that I ended up with J

ay. We had so much FUN. There should be more people in the world who are 19 going on 20 and that much fun to be around, and so considerate and joyful too. I am going to get in trouble when Chelsea reads this because she doesn't know what I did to keep myself occupied during the reception. For centerpiece snacks she had pear flavored Jelly-Belly's. We started throwing them at people we knew would be goodnatured among the guests. I have bad aim I discovered.... bad bad aim. I hit someone's drink and an old woman and my cousin's new boyfriend before progressing to throwing grapes torn off the centerpieces, which were plastic grapes in jars. That was better, and they flew farther. I was discreet though, and I am sure that people thought there were weird green flying bugs. Jay and I were careful. During the reception and the usual speeches, which were emotional and made me cry when they made Chel cry (I'm fine til someone I love starts up, then I fall apart), we started to hear feedback. It sounded like the chipmunks or three female aliens had landed and were singing back up in highpitched voices to whoever was talking/singing. I could watch Jason pinching and hitting himself under the table to keep from laughing. When he started making large jellybean faces on the tablecloth with jellybellies to try to distract himself and then shoving entire eyes or ears from the face into his mouth to keep from grinning and giggling, I lost it too. We were hitting each other under the table and laughing and snickering (thank God we were at the end of the head table far from the mike). I only feel mildly guilty...
Jay also made a video of himself as Napoleon Dynamite, describing how Chel and Robby met (he could win an Oscar with his acting - seriously!!).
Wedding dances are second only to weddings. The Chicken Dance, line dances, the macarena, two-stepping, they are so much fun! Chel had a dry wedding, which gave it a really different

character, but we still had a lot of fun regardless. (My Mom was a little let down, and I have to admit I could have used a drink or two too.) Here are some good pictures - the beautiful bride and handsome groom, a picture of Chels with Robby's groomsman William, my sis Robyn and cousins Emily and Abby dancing. A picture of us doing the chicken dance ( I got the bride's arm).

Here are some links that I believe will be interested
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