You are now reading the blog belonging to the new Registered Nurse in Charge at Night at the Hospital in the next town over. I put on my business boots (never NOT been hired after an interview wearing those ones - long, calf-hugging, black, intimidating and I mean business boots). I get to lead a team of nurses (dude, I've only been out of school for a year and a month!), and run the show when I work nights. And the pay is good, better than in Nova Scotia.
I am a little nervous, though - I think every new grad nurse has a complex where they figure that at any moment someone is going to expose them, revealing that really secretly they know nothing and slipped through the cracks. And I wonder what the team environment is going to be like. I'm working with a lot of nursing students, which is exciting - it's like hanging out on campus again. I always am a little worried about what would happen if something went wrong. I know I can handle alot, and I've learned I have a lot of strength, but I still have a lot to learn.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Lingerie Showers
What happens after a lingerie shower? What happens afterwards? I'll never tell! hahah.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Sushi Boats
The weirdest culinary experience of my life. And OK, I'll admit I don't actually usually go for the 'cultural experiences' on my own. You can NEVER beat a good meal of steak and potatoes no matter how hard you try. If it's got some variety of meat, I usually go for it.
But last night was raw stuff. Floating past a big long bar on little boats all chained together in a moat-like thing. I ate some freaky stuff that I never would otherwise. And - gasp - it wasn't bad at all. Except the fried salmon skins, that was bad because it ended up being chewy. But it's surprising what you can make yourself swallow when you dip it in something salty and chew fast.
Enough about the sushi. Last night was better for another reason. I can actually begin to see a place for myself in Calgary now... this last year has opened my mind way way up to living in new places with new people. I like the city, abashedly I'll admit it. I throw around city-slicker jokes right left and center but the city is where all the people are, and I like being where people are. Calgary has some memories for me, too. I saw some old, good friends from high school, and we caught up on the class news. It was good to hear from old friends that yes, indeed, other people have equally frustrating romantic lives. (More of the variety where they have all these relationships that almost work, and then don't; as opposed to the romantic lives where no one seems to bite - not sure which one is worse, but it's not a comparison game). Some people are pregnant, or engaged unexpectedly (and of course it's always the ones that never wanted to be at this point). Some people are going on and doing what they always wanted to do, or trying brave new things like venturing halfway across the world.
We looked at a map of the world and thought about where we'd like to go someday. I realized that I really would like to go to Morocco, or at least somewhere that isn't in North America. I saw a picture once of the coastline and decided it was possibly one of the most beautiful places in the world.
But last night was raw stuff. Floating past a big long bar on little boats all chained together in a moat-like thing. I ate some freaky stuff that I never would otherwise. And - gasp - it wasn't bad at all. Except the fried salmon skins, that was bad because it ended up being chewy. But it's surprising what you can make yourself swallow when you dip it in something salty and chew fast.
Enough about the sushi. Last night was better for another reason. I can actually begin to see a place for myself in Calgary now... this last year has opened my mind way way up to living in new places with new people. I like the city, abashedly I'll admit it. I throw around city-slicker jokes right left and center but the city is where all the people are, and I like being where people are. Calgary has some memories for me, too. I saw some old, good friends from high school, and we caught up on the class news. It was good to hear from old friends that yes, indeed, other people have equally frustrating romantic lives. (More of the variety where they have all these relationships that almost work, and then don't; as opposed to the romantic lives where no one seems to bite - not sure which one is worse, but it's not a comparison game). Some people are pregnant, or engaged unexpectedly (and of course it's always the ones that never wanted to be at this point). Some people are going on and doing what they always wanted to do, or trying brave new things like venturing halfway across the world.
We looked at a map of the world and thought about where we'd like to go someday. I realized that I really would like to go to Morocco, or at least somewhere that isn't in North America. I saw a picture once of the coastline and decided it was possibly one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Profile Picture

Just posting this one so that I can have it for my profile picture. Ignore it. It looks like I'm praying, but I'm actually not. I was actually thinking about how much of the colorful seaweed stuff floating in the water was actually composed of jellyfish or starfish parts. And how I had touched a lot of it already and it was funny how I didn't think that was gross at all, but if I was touching roadkill I'd be completely disgusted and retching. OK, you didn't want to know. Sorry.
Broken Toes
I think a toe should count as a limb. Because when it's broken, it hurts. And turns funny colors. And then I could say I had broken a bone. Because a toe is a pitiful bone to break. So is a nose. And both my broken things stories are NOT glamorous.
I mean, it would be glamorous and a good story if I broke my nose while being the first female driver in the Indy 500 and having the tire of the first-place car fly through my windshield. That would be cool. But breaking it while playing dressup at the age of 16, trying a hat that was too small and getting schmucked on the head by my sister so that the hat lands on my nose and leaves a little bump, not so impressive.
And if I broke my toe running after an injured dog belonging to the queen and tripped over a lawn sprinkler, that would be a better story than running for the phone (which turned out to be a freakin telemarketer, by the way) and smashing my toe on the corner of the deck. Now it's purply-red and looks gay. And I went shopping today looking for a hot dress to wear to the wedding rehearsal (and the flow of weddings of friends this summer), and no matter how good it looked on me there was that toe sitting there looking at me. Hahaha. I even think I'm overreacting now, which is saying something.
Complete side note - my brother says that Le Chateau, the men's section, should be renamed the HomoHut. haha. I love that boy. I let him drive to Red Deer today and except for one minor incident where we almost merged right into a semitruck he did pretty good.
I mean, it would be glamorous and a good story if I broke my nose while being the first female driver in the Indy 500 and having the tire of the first-place car fly through my windshield. That would be cool. But breaking it while playing dressup at the age of 16, trying a hat that was too small and getting schmucked on the head by my sister so that the hat lands on my nose and leaves a little bump, not so impressive.
And if I broke my toe running after an injured dog belonging to the queen and tripped over a lawn sprinkler, that would be a better story than running for the phone (which turned out to be a freakin telemarketer, by the way) and smashing my toe on the corner of the deck. Now it's purply-red and looks gay. And I went shopping today looking for a hot dress to wear to the wedding rehearsal (and the flow of weddings of friends this summer), and no matter how good it looked on me there was that toe sitting there looking at me. Hahaha. I even think I'm overreacting now, which is saying something.
Complete side note - my brother says that Le Chateau, the men's section, should be renamed the HomoHut. haha. I love that boy. I let him drive to Red Deer today and except for one minor incident where we almost merged right into a semitruck he did pretty good.
Monday, June 26, 2006
A wedding shower
The big wedding shower was yesterday. Jen did a good job making it all impressive with flowers and chocolate and marinated meat on skewers. There was the stuff you expect at a wedding shower, and Chel and Robby opened gifts and played a "How well do you know the other one?" game.
The fun really started after all of the planned stuff was finished (isn't that always the way?). We sat around drinking beer, enjoying the sun, and talking about old stories and stupid things that my parents did when they were in the whole wedding-stag-stagette stage of their life. My Dad once started a car on fire and left a flame trail on the highway for a quarter mile (no lie, the car was torched) - it was a complete accident, but they went down as redneck heroes for a while because no one else knew it wasn't intentional.
My brother told me that the skin fold on your arm is called a wenis. Yep, pronounced the same as what you're already thinking. Whether you're a guy or a girl. So then my brother and uncles and Jen's boyfriend decided it would be fun to compare wenises. It was a good laugh that I needed.
oh and way off topic, but my dog Bailey can now chew bailer twine through on command.
The fun really started after all of the planned stuff was finished (isn't that always the way?). We sat around drinking beer, enjoying the sun, and talking about old stories and stupid things that my parents did when they were in the whole wedding-stag-stagette stage of their life. My Dad once started a car on fire and left a flame trail on the highway for a quarter mile (no lie, the car was torched) - it was a complete accident, but they went down as redneck heroes for a while because no one else knew it wasn't intentional.
My brother told me that the skin fold on your arm is called a wenis. Yep, pronounced the same as what you're already thinking. Whether you're a guy or a girl. So then my brother and uncles and Jen's boyfriend decided it would be fun to compare wenises. It was a good laugh that I needed.
oh and way off topic, but my dog Bailey can now chew bailer twine through on command.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
First Things
I'm not even close to being settled in here, but I'm here. It's so big - everything is bigger here. More air, more sky...
I went to the town parade yesterday. It was great... people wearing caps and fox apparel and cowboy hats. My brother got smacked in the head with a sucker thrown off the fire trucks. And it's so strange how people still are around and some things haven't changed. The bowling alley turned into Kokopelli's Family Entertainment Center - tell me how that isn't the weirdest thing you've ever heard of.... Chevy Chase movie-like.
The people I see I have known longer, and so I have a bigger kind of more comfortable love around them; but then the frustration and the anger and their ability to hurt me is bigger too.
It's tough living with my sister, trying to accomodate someone else's rules. She's really stressed out now, and so she blames me for the reason her life is stressful. I cleaned the house the other day and then she recleaned it because she had to make sure it was done the right way. I kind of feel sorry for her - she needs to feel this huge sense of control over everything. The crazy thing is that when she does have control, it's so spot on perfect that it's amazing. But then she hates her life. Talk about a double-edged sword. I have no idea how she does eight courses and runs wedding plans for Chelsea and holds down a part-time job on the side (as a manager, no less). I do love her... anybody have any hints or tips dealing with controlling loved ones???
Church was fun today. I'm really looking forward to going to Australia in 2008. Anyone want to join me for World Youth Day??
I went to Olds to help Jen at work, to see what she does. She has a great job, working with kids. We played all kinds of outdoor games, involving a slip and slide and nylons with flour in them and a kiddie pool full of warm oatmeal. It was great! I am glad Mitch and Rob are still big enough to have fun with. Soon they'll be all big and then I'll have to hurry up and have kids of my own (I'm secretly really excited... but I spose I can't get ahead of myself.)
Enjoy the pictures... these are outside the window of the house on the back quarter of our property. Take special notice of my beautiful car... mmmm.... it was so good to drive it. Smmmooooooth. I challenge any car to beat my Belle. I also put a video of us rehearsing the walk up the hall in preparation for the wedding next week.
Weird non-Nova Scotia moment of the day... putting the garbage, compost and all, in the burning barrel and lighting it up.
I went to the town parade yesterday. It was great... people wearing caps and fox apparel and cowboy hats. My brother got smacked in the head with a sucker thrown off the fire trucks. And it's so strange how people still are around and some things haven't changed. The bowling alley turned into Kokopelli's Family Entertainment Center - tell me how that isn't the weirdest thing you've ever heard of.... Chevy Chase movie-like.
The people I see I have known longer, and so I have a bigger kind of more comfortable love around them; but then the frustration and the anger and their ability to hurt me is bigger too.
It's tough living with my sister, trying to accomodate someone else's rules. She's really stressed out now, and so she blames me for the reason her life is stressful. I cleaned the house the other day and then she recleaned it because she had to make sure it was done the right way. I kind of feel sorry for her - she needs to feel this huge sense of control over everything. The crazy thing is that when she does have control, it's so spot on perfect that it's amazing. But then she hates her life. Talk about a double-edged sword. I have no idea how she does eight courses and runs wedding plans for Chelsea and holds down a part-time job on the side (as a manager, no less). I do love her... anybody have any hints or tips dealing with controlling loved ones???
Church was fun today. I'm really looking forward to going to Australia in 2008. Anyone want to join me for World Youth Day??
I went to Olds to help Jen at work, to see what she does. She has a great job, working with kids. We played all kinds of outdoor games, involving a slip and slide and nylons with flour in them and a kiddie pool full of warm oatmeal. It was great! I am glad Mitch and Rob are still big enough to have fun with. Soon they'll be all big and then I'll have to hurry up and have kids of my own (I'm secretly really excited... but I spose I can't get ahead of myself.)
Enjoy the pictures... these are outside the window of the house on the back quarter of our property. Take special notice of my beautiful car... mmmm.... it was so good to drive it. Smmmooooooth. I challenge any car to beat my Belle. I also put a video of us rehearsing the walk up the hall in preparation for the wedding next week.
Weird non-Nova Scotia moment of the day... putting the garbage, compost and all, in the burning barrel and lighting it up.
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