Tonight it snowed. A lot. And my aunt and uncle and cousins were out again to go camping but we spent the time inside reminiscing about old vacations and eating chinese food.

My Mom told us about her trip to Hawaii when she was 16. They saw Don Ho and went to a luau. Has ANYONE, ANYWHERE, EVER, heard about Don Ho? Really? My Mom still has her souvenir drink cup from the concert... she was drinking from it when the subject came up. The guy has an afro and he's part black, part Hawaiian native. Ah, the pictures of my Mother, with that 70s show hair and yellow tube top with a lei on. HAHAHA.
Which got us talking about Don Ho being like that guy in Vegas who does the shows. But no one could remember his name... it took twenty minutes and five phone calls to friends to figure it out. (We don't google things in the country.) "You know, the guy who's tall with the fake tan and the dark hair and flashy white teeth who uses all the brill cream? I think he owns horses too... he was on

Little known fact about me... I've been to Vegas five times. With my family. It's our most popular family vacation destination. (Here comes the part where I justify it...) It's warm, cheap, clean, beautiful, full of theme parks and pretty sweet entertainment, lots of desert around if you want to get away for a bit, and it has lots of campgrounds to camp in too. Don't worry, we don't gamble away our shirts. Four times out of six we've come home richer than we started - don't know how that happened.
In case you're still wondering, it's Wayne Newton. The guy is Wayne Newton.
Yep, we're high class here. (As refined and as good solid nice polite as you can get, we own Don Ho cups to drink with. Oh, and three Testicle Festival cups that Grandma brought back from Utah once just because she thought they were funny. Somewhere in Utah, they have a Testicle Festival every year where they castrate their bulls all at the same time. ick.)
Another little known fact about me... I can castrate hogs. Oh yes, 18 years of living as a hog farmer's daughter has some obscure benefits. We used to mark them with a pink bingo marker for girls, blue for boys. Then we'd throw the blue marked ones (yes, like a baseball) across the barn where the other sister would catch the piglet (they were castrated at about two weeks, or five pounds) and put it in a grocery cart. When we had about five, we'd castrate them and cut their teeth off and their tails off. We had it down to a science - 30 seconds a hog, 5 hogs at a time, to do 80 hogs every two weeks. I assure you, this is all very necessary for their health and well being; and for the quality of the meat. Hmmm... I could have been a surgeon!!!
you are without a doubt a woman of fine quality and MANY tallents with whom no one can compare :)
After what you did with those pigs, I hope you're never my surgeon.
oh cam...I miss you....I'm reading this in a library and I'm trying so so so so hard not to laugh out loud!!!
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